Hidden Hollow Holistix

Each Season I offer free Explorations

Fill out an Application and Schedule a Free Consultation; let's see if we are a fit to work together.

a note about free engagements

I believe in making my services accessible to all beings. Free Explorations are primarily reserved for those who lack resources, such as the unhoused, individuals in unstable work or home environments, or those in underserved, at-risk communities. I operate on trust and goodwill, but I reserve the right to monitor and discontinue engagements with those who seek to take advantage.

Book Recommendations

Some of the links below are affiliate links and I am qualified to earn a small percentage as an affiliate, when you buy through my link.

I absolutely love Barbara Karnes! If you have not already, please go check out her website. The books are low cost and are as practical as they are empowering. You can find them HERE

Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul by Stephen Jenkinson Amazon

The Art of Death Midwifery: An Introduction and Beginner's Guide by Joellyn St. Pierre DDiv Amazon

However I recommend that you look for sites like Thriftbooks which resell used books or ideally check out your local library, donation center, or bookstore!